A Juggler’s Tale Review

A Juggler’s tale is a very innovative puzzle game. It follows a puppet by the name of Abi who is a juggler for a circus. She manages to escape her circus life and become free of the puppet strings, which are holding her back. You must navigate this world, by solving puzzles and escaping the dreaded bandits that aim to hunt you down.

Besides being a very fun and engaging puzzle game, i feel it has a lot of reference to our modern day lives. How we are often considered slaves to the machine or ‘man’, with our often mundane work lives and the idea of setting ourselves free from this restraint can allow us to live a much more enjoyable and fulfilling life. The fact that Abi also doesn’t have any facial expressions, compared to the rest of the characters, goes to show that maybe it was made to show it could be you who is the one trapped in this monotonous life.

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